Film & Television Production
Production and Post-Production Facilities
Production Skills Training
Corporate and Information Films
Innovative Co-Production Resources
Moving Vision is a Film & Television Production company.
Founded in 1985 (Ltd. 1992) we’re one of the most established independent production companies in continuous operation in the UK today.
The company brings together a collaborative network of creative and highly skilled individuals and organisations providing a complete technical and intellectual resource from the formation of ideas and through every stage of production. Moving Vision particularly invites people to explore with us the potential for collaborations and co-productions.
From our well equipped studios and offices in Mid Wales we operate all over the World providing all or any part of productions for broadcast television, features, commercials, corporates, community and films for both governments and NGOs. Moving Vision benefits from associated facilities in London, the USA, France and Dubai.
Moving Vision’s film & television production skills training programs are recognised by many institutions and authorities including the BFI and Skillset.